AVENues Archive
Online version (viewable on Issuu)
- Letter From The Editors
- Questions of the Month
- 24 Issues Later by scarletlattitude
- Interview with Cosine by scarletlattitude
- I Think I Love You? by Anonymous
- Physical and mental health resources
- Wordsearch AVENues Issue #49 -July/August/September 2021 - Fandoms
Online version (viewable on Issuu)
- Questions of the Month
- "Fanthropology" by scarletlattitude
- Member Highlight: OptimisticPessimistic
- Physical and mental health resources
- Wordsearch
AVENues Issue #48 -April/May/June 2021 - Wellness
Online version (viewable on Issuu)
- Letters From The Editors
- Questions of the Month
- Physical and Mental Health Resources by scarletlattitude
- Arcade Cabinet Build Project by Kimmie
- Member Highlight: WünderBâhr
- Hidden Word
- Ace Spotlight
AVENues Issue #47 -January/February/March 2021 - AVEN's 20th Anniversary Issue
Online version (viewable on Issuu)
- Letters From The Editors
- Questions of the Month
- Pictures From AVEN's History Compiled by Kelly
- "Create" by Custard Cream
- Member Highlight: Multi-Member Q&A
- How Long Have Identified as Ace? Poll
- Birthday Wordsearch
- Ace Spotlight
AVENues Issue #46 -October/November/December 2021 - Lockdown
Online version (viewable on Issuu)
- Letters From The Editors
- Questions of the Month
- COVID 19 and the UK Meetup Scene by Sky Captain
- The NoRonto AVEN Online Meet Up by Snao Cone
- The Last Of Us Pt2 Review by Kimmie
- In My Head by Rene' Rose
- Lockdown Meets by Eutierria
- My Other Half by Milana Latin
- Ace Lion by Aryana S
- Pan Ace Dragon by Proxy Override
- Member Highlight: Una Salus Victus
- Maze Of Pandemic Confusion
- Ace Spotlight
AVENues Issue #45 - January/February/March 2020 - The Other Side
Online version (viewable on Issuu)
PDF version (large file)
- Questions of the Month
- "Ring Fit Adventure" Game Review by Kimmie
- Short Story Corner: "Freeze" by CustardCream
- Poetry Podium featuring Milana Lattin
- Painting Gallery featuring AceArchdemon and Michael Tannock,
- Member Highlight featuring AVENues staff
- Puzzle: Sudoku
AVENues Issue #44 - October/November/December 2019 - Split Orientations
Online version (viewable on Issuu)
PDF version (large file)
- International AVEN Meetup 2019 by Snao Cone
- Forms of Attraction by Iam9man
- The "Split Attraction" Model by BeakLove
- Learning the Splits by Scooter
- "Bloodstained" Game Review by Kimmie.
- Short Story Corner by kelico, Superunknown
- Open Mic by Eutierra, Windspiel, Amy Sutton
- Interview: "Member Highlight: Life of Tass"
- Puzzle: Cryptogram
AVENues Issue #43 - July/August/September 2019 - Trans* Special
Online version (viewable on Issuu)
PDF version (large file)
- Trans Stories
- Questions of the Month
- Facebook Poll
- Short Stories by sh1965
- Cup Paintings by ben8884
- Interview: "Member Highlight: nerdperson777"
- Puzzle: Gender Word Search
AVENues Issue #42 - April/May/June 2019 - Physical Health
Online version (viewable on Issuu)
PDF version (large file)
- Questions of the Month
- AVENues FB Poll
- Poetry Podium: featuring work by Vee.
- Short Story Corner: featuring work by sh1965
- Painting Gallery: featuring work by Rob Boss, Retha!
- Interview: "Member Highlight: Philip027"
- Puzzle: Sports Word Search
AVENues Issue #41 - Jan/Feb/March 2019 - All Creatives
Online version (viewable on Issuu)
PDF version (large file)
- Poetry Podium: featuring work by Toads, CajunAce, Anon, and Iris
- Painting Gallery: featuring work by Ret! and kelico
- Short Story Corner: featuring work by Duke and CajunAce
- Interview: "Member Highlight: Rynn"
- Questions of the Month
- Puzzle: Number Blocks
AVENues Issue #40 - Holiday 2018 - Sex Ed
Online version (viewable on Issuu)
PDF version (large file)
- Article: "Asexuality and the Direction of Sex Ed" by Snao Cone
- Sex Ed Experience
- A Moment of Ace
- Interview: "Member Highlights: Puck and Skycaptain" by scarletlatitude
- Questions of the Month
- Open Mic: artwork by Tass, darvyn, Silk Bones, and disneydork; short story by bluenose2722
- Review: "Love, Simon" by Blue Ice-Tea
- Article: "Asexual Awareness Week" by kelico
- Puzzle: Amazeing Aces
AVENues Issue #39 - Autumn 2018 - Style
Online version (viewable on Issuu)
PDF version (large file)
Compressed version (small file)
- Article: "Selfies, Style, and (A)sexuality" by Snao Cone
- Article: "Dressing While Androgynous" by scarletlatitude
- Review: "Avengers: Infinity War" by Blue Ice-Tea
- Interview: "Member Highlight: [noize:injekktion]" by scarletlatitude
- Questions of the Month
- Open Mic: poem by Hady, art by Zebigbos and kelico
- AVENites in Real Life! Selfies of our most stylish members
- Article: "A Moment of Ace" by Tobi Emanuel
- Puzzle: Hidden Message
AVENues Issue #38 - April/May/June 2018 - Mental Health
Online version (viewable on Issuu)
PDF version (large file)
- Article: "Not a Broken Dragon" by bluedragonwings
- Questions of the Month
- Questions of the Month - going deeper (trigger warning)
- Review: "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" by Blue Ice-Tea
- Open Mic: essay by JOR; artwork by AbyssGaze and SkyWorld
- #AceProblems
- Interview: "Member Highlight: Homer" by scarletlatitude
- Puzzle: Self-Love Wordsearch
- Mental Health Resources
AVENues Issue #37 - January/February/March 2018 - Aces in the Media
Online version (viewable on Issuu)
PDF version (large file)
- Article: "Did You Know? Little facts about asexuality in media" by Snao Cone
- Review: "Blade Runner 2049" by Blue Iced-Tea
- Article: "Asexual Research Update" by scarletlatitude
- Questions of the Month
- Interview: "Member Highlight: anzu2snow" by Snao Cone
- Article: "Kpop Idol Comes Out as Ace/Aro" by OptimisticPessimist and kelico
- Open Mic: artwork by Koalnite and emma-can; poetry by Tortuga
- Puzzle: number puzzle
- Looking Ahead: upcoming events
AVENues Issue #36 - October/November/December 2017 - Holiday Special
Online version (viewable on Issuu)
PDF version (large file)
- Article: "Unasked Questions, Holiday Meals, and Alone Time Among Family" by Snao Cone
- Article: "Being an Ace During the Holidays" by scarletlatitude
- Questions of the Month
- Asexy Jokes
- Open Mic: "The 12 Days of Ace-mas" by Anonymous
- Interview: "Member Highlight: sea-lemon" by scarletlatitude
- Puzzle: holiday word search
- Looking Ahead: upcoming events
AVENues Issue #35 - July/August/September 2017 - PRIDE
Online version (viewable on Issuu)
PDF version (large file)
- Questions of the Month: Ace Pride stories
- Open Mic: "The L-ade Tree part 2" by Blue Ice-Tea; poetry by Dreaming Ace and Marvin Bledsoe
- Interview: "Member Highlight: sea-lemon" by scarletlatitude
- Puzzle: The Maze to Pride!
- Looking Ahead: upcoming events
AVENues Issue #34 - May/June 2017 - Ace Connections
High Quality PDF (Preferred quality for printing and viewing)
- Article: "My journey to PRIDE" by Sebastian M.
- Article: "The Vancouvenites: A Brief History" by Heart
- Article: "The UK Meetup Scene" by Cicero
- Article: "Meeting Fellow AVENites: A journey" by Kelly
- Interview: "Member Highlight: VirusHybrid" by scarletlatitude
- Review: "Moonlight" by Blue Ice-Tea
- Questions of the Month
- Open Mic: "The L-ade Tree" by Blue Ice-Tea; poetry by Kyrin Lee, Lorna
- Puzzle: Meetup Word Search
AVENues Issue #33 - March/April 2017 - A/romanticism
High Quality PDF (Preferred quality for printing and viewing)
Regular Quality PDF (Preferred quality for slower computers/connections)
- Article: "The History of Romance" by Blue Ice-Tea
- Article: "Questioning Aromantic or Panromantic" by SkyWorld
- Article: "Aros Singing Love Songs" by Snow Cone
- Review: "Finding Dory" by Blue Ice-Tea
- Interview: "Member Highlight: argar" by scarletlatitude
- Questions of the Month
- Open Mic: artwork by Nakaez; short story by Rosendust; poetry by Zidge
- Puzzle: A/romantic crossword
AVENues Issue #32 - January/February 2017 - AVEN's Sweet 16
High Quality PDF (Preferred quality for printing and viewing)
Regular Quality PDF (Preferred quality for slower computers/connections)
- Article: "A declassification team look back" by deltaX
- Interview: "Member Highlight: Kelly" by scarletlatitude
- Story: "The Squirrel that Stole Cakemas" by Delvai
- Questions of the Month
- Open Mic: artwork by Wonderment, SkyWorld, Ian H; poetry by Zidge
- Puzzle: SWEET Sixteen
- Press Release: "Interface"
AVENues Issue #31 - November/December 2016 - Acceptance
High Quality PDF (Preferred quality for printing and viewing)
Regular Quality PDF (Preferred quality for slower computers/connections)
- Article: "Acceptance at Work" by SnowCone
- Article: "The Erotics of Grad School" by Blue Ice-Tea
- Article: "The Reaction I was Hoping for" by Wenderbread
- Interview: "Member Highlight: faeriefate" by scarletlatitude
- Questions of the Month: Coming Out
- Open Mic: poetry by Zidge
- Puzzle: 2016 maze of ace-ness
AVENues Issue #30 - September/October 2016 - Asexual Research
High Quality PDF (Preferred quality for printing and viewing)
Regular Quality PDF (Preferred quality for slower computers/connections)
- In Loving Memory: Shockwave
- Research: "Asexuality: Few Facts, Many Questions" (Houdenhove & Gijs)
- Research: "Intergroup bias toward 'Group X': Evidence of prejudice, dehumanization, avoidance, and discrimination against asexuals" (MacInnis & Hodson)
- Research: "Mental health and interpersonal functioning in self-identified asexual men and women" (Yule, Brotto, & Gorzalka)
- Research: "A validated measure of no sexual attraction: The Asexuality Identification Scale" (Yule, Brotto, & Gorzalka)
- Interview: "Morag Yule" by CosineTheCat
- Question of the Month: "Why do you think asexual research is important to the asexual community?"
- Open Mic: artwork by Okane and SkyWorld; poetry by Zidge
- Puzzle: word REsearch
AVENues Issue #29 - July/August 2016 - Gender and Asexuality
High Quality PDF (Preferred quality for printing and viewing)
Regular Quality PDF (Preferred quality for slower computers/connections)
- Article: "The Language of Gender" by Heart
- Article: "Asexuality and Gender" by Hadley167
- Article: "Gender Thoughts" by Wayfarer
- Article: "I am not a natural woman, I prefer being Pippi!" by Julia
- Article: "Being the Indian Asexual" by Bai
- Interview: "Member Highlight: Ashen" by Aqua-Ace
- Question of the Month: "How has your gender orientation impacted your sexuality, your relationships, or your life in general?"
- Open Mic: artwork by Autumn Season, kelico/Starry Sky, Skyworld; poetry by Zidge
- Puzzle: gender acronyms crossword
AVENues Issue #28 - May/June 2016 - Relationships and Asexuality
High Quality PDF (Preferred quality for printing and viewing)
Regular Quality PDF (Preferred quality for slower computers/connections)
- Article: "Married to an Asexual" by Simon Blackwell
- Article: "An Aromantic's Pros and Cons to Relationships" by Snow Cone
- Article: "#noromo" by scarletlatitude
- Interview: "Member Highlight: Steph" by SkyWorld
- Question of the Month: "Has asexuality affected your views on relationships? If so, how?"
- Open Mic: artwork by Autumn Season and poetry by Zidge
- Puzzle: word scramble
AVENues April Fools 2016 Issue
Click here
AVENues Issue #27 - March/April 2016 - The Cultural Significance (Asexuality and Culture)
High Quality PDF (Preferred quality for printing and viewing)
Regular Quality PDF (Preferred quality for slower computers/connections)
- Article: "Aces in Arabia" by NewMeeble
- Article: "Asexual Visibility and Activist in Latin America" by Patricia Grosso, translated by CosineTheCat
- Article: "A Culture of Its Own: Growing Up Biracial and Asexual" by Nai
- Article: "The Chinese Asexual Community" by Robin
- Article: "Luke Skywalker and Other Celibate Heroes" by Blue Ice-Tea
- Article: "Androgyne in America" by scarletlatitude
- Interview: "Member Highlight: ThaHoward" by CosineTheCat
- Question of the Month: "How has culture affected your views on asexuality?"
- Open Mic: artwork by SkyWorld and Lindsay Niedert
- Puzzle: country scramble
AVENues Issue #26 - January/February 2016 - Old vs. New
High Quality PDF (Preferred quality for printing and viewing)
Regular Quality PDF (Preferred quality for slower computers/connections)
- Article: "Nostalgia" by Amcan
- Article: "#teamwhippersnapper" by SkyWorld
- Article: "Logo Contest Inspirations" by SkyWorld
- Interview: "Member Highlight: Skycaptain" by CosineTheCat
- Poem: "Asexual: A Poem" by Allison Harmon
- Prose: "Deck of Cards" by Julianna Drachman
- Poem: "Inside the Mind of a Bookworm" by Amanda Fry
- Incredibly Ace Moments
- Puzzle: New vs. Old
AVENues Issue #25 - July/August 2013
High Quality PDF (Preferred quality for printing and viewing)
Regular Quality PDF (Preferred quality for slower computers/connections)
- Article: "Asexual Elitism is Alive and Well" by Talia
- Interview: "AVENite Interview: Kelly" by Strivna
- Poem: "The Care and Feeding of Heroes" by Elizabeth Barrette
AVENues Issue #24 - May/June 2012
High Quality PDF (Preferred quality for printing and viewing)
Regular Quality PDF (Preferred quality for slower computers/connections)
- Interview: "AVENite Interview: hexaquark" by Strivna
- Poem: "Hold my Hand" by Ben Stundze
- Interview: "AVENite Interview: Doppel" by Strivna
- Poem: "The Future Love Letter of an Overly Optimistic Romantic Asexual" by Qutenkuddly
- Article: "Asexuality and the Law" by David Jay
- Poem: "The Tightrope" by Lisa Dawn
- Short Story: "An Unusual Anniversary" by Almagest
- Poem: "Because I do not touch that way" by Qutenkuddly
- Poem: "Asexuality" by Julie Burk
- Poem: "After Dark" by Elizabeth Barrette
- Short Story: "Signs of Affection" by Cal
- Game: "10,000 Aces" by Almagest
AVENues Issue #23 - May/June 2011
High Quality PDF (Good for Printing and best viewing)
Regular Quality PDF (Good for slow computers/connection)
- Short Story: "An Unusual Dinner" by Almagest
- Column: "A Negative" by T. Henrik Anttonen
- Interview: "An Interview With Sara Beth Brooks" by Arielle
- Comic: by Arielle & Henrik
AVENues Issue #22 - March/April 2011
High Quality PDF (Good for Printing and best viewing)
Regular Quality PDF (Good for slow computers/connection)
- Article: "AVENews" by Cicero
- Short Story: "Childhood Innocence" by Lazul
- Column: "A Negative" by T. Henrik Anttonen
- Review: "AVENues Meeting Review" by Cicero
- Artwork: by Synergy
- Article: "The Dirty Weekend Phenomenon" by Joshua
- Review: "Guardian of the Dead by Karen Healey" by Yamx
- Continuing Story: "Julia (Part 2)" by Anonymous
- Poem: "It Just Can’t" by Arielle
AVENues Issue #21 - January/February 2011
High Quality PDF (Good for Printing and best viewing)
Regular Quality PDF (Good for slow computers/connection)
- Article: "AVENews" by Cicero
- Short Story: "Finding Christmas Spirit" by Heidi (Kakkobean)
- Continuing Story: "Dawn of the Living" by Blerdasaurus
- Review: "AVENues Meeting Review" by Cicero
- Poem: "Winter Heart" by Almagest
- Comic: "Homework" by Arne
- Comic: "The Candy Hearts Resistance" by Kammerson
- Interview: "Interview with Ily" by Arielle
- Short Story: "It's Not You" by Holly (ExeCUTE)
- Article: "Doctor Who: Ace or Not?" by Yamx
- Continuing Story: "Julia" by Anonymous
AVENues Issue #20 - October 2010
High Quality PDF (Good for Printing and best viewing)
Regular Quality PDF (Good for slow computers/connection)
- Editors Note: Arielle
- Letters to the Editor: "The (A)Sexually Oppressed?" from Dash
- Article: "AVENews" by Cicero
- Real Life Story: "The Strangest Feeling" by Sylvaine Cordier (Slylvaine)
- Article: "Asexuality so Hard to Find" by Kathleen N(Arielle's Mom)
- Short Story: "Rejected" by Snufflebottoms
- Poem: "Unbroken Heart" by Sarah Sinnaeve (Library_drone)
- Comic: "We Have Normality" by S.G. McKeithen
- Recipe: "Joe's Cake" by Herr Joseph
- Interview: "Interview with David Jay" by Arielle
- Article: "Sherlock: An Asexual Hero in Mainstream Media?" by Yamx
- Review: "AVENues Meeting Review" by Cicero
AVENues Issue #19 - March 28, 2009
- Announcement: Asexy Dirty Weekend
- Art by Carl Gylling / BaronTheCat
- Article: "Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder and the Asexual Community: A History" by Mandrewliter
- Comic: "Permanently Grounded" by Colt-Kun
- Featured AVENite: Fosco
- From the Forum: seriousness, labeling others, and integration
- Humor: The Fun of Telling Someone
- Meetup Listings
- Review: "About a Boy" by Blue Ice-Tea
- Review: "Rome" by Isaac
AVENues Issue #18 - January 31, 2009
- Announcement: Asexy Dirty Weekend
- Art by Colt-Kun
- Article: "The (A)sexually Oppressed?" by Mandrewliter
- Asexuals All Over: antidepressants, freedom, puppies, and questions
- Featured AVENite: CaleCaesar
- Food For Thought (answers): Oppression
- Food For Thought (question): Community
- From the Forum: fetishes, appearances, and loneliness
- Humor: Incredibly Ace Moments
- Internet Spotlight: Ace of Hearts, Asexual Lesbians, Asexuality Research Network, Platonic Partners
- Meetup Listings
- Photos: San Francisco
- Poem: "Libido to a Creative Mind" by Cait
- Short Story: "Victims" by Colt-Kun
AVENues Issue #17 - December 6, 2008
- Art by Zoidberger
- Article: "Aussie Meanderings: The Story of an Article" by SpirallingSnowy
- Article: "Clearing Up Some Misunderstandings" by Mandrewliter
- Article: "Identity Without the Politics?" by Birdnerd
- Asexuals All Over: meetups and laptops
- Comic: "Permanently Grounded" by Colt-Kun
- Featured AVENite: "Olivier"
- Food For Thought: Oppression
- From The Forum: addiction, coming out, and questioning
- Internet Spotlight: Ace Linkup, Asexual and Proud!, Asexualitic, Love From The Asexual Underground
- Meetup Listings
- Poem: "Finite Hearts" by Raisin
- Review: "WALL-E" by Blue Ice-Tea
AVENues Issue #16 - October 11, 2008
- Article: "It's Hip To Be Square" by Blue Ice-Tea
- Article: "The Magic Words: Focus On Relationships" by David Jay
- Asexuals All Over: gray areas, temporary asexuality, and a fundraiser
- Comic by RandomDent
- Featured AVENite: "Shockwave"
- From the Forum: education, friends, social life, and repression
- Internet Spotlight: Acebook, Asexuality on Facebook, The Frigidarium, The Venus of Willendork
- Meetup Listings
- Photos: St. Louis and London meetups
- Poem: "Moonbeams" by Carsonspire
AVENues Issue #15 - August 16, 2008
- Article: "AVEN Celebrates in Berlin" by the AVENde Team
- Article: "The Stickiness Factor" by Ily
- Asexuals All Over: huge social structures and assigning labels
- Comic: "Tolerance" by Ed Richman
- Featured AVENite: "Emmarainbow"
- Food For Thought (question): Disability
- From the Forum: causes and antisexuality
- Internet Spotlight: Apositive, Asexuality on Livejournal, Asexuality Aotearoa New Zealand, Musings on an Asexy Theme
- Meetup Listings
- Photos: Berlin, Montana, and make-your-own visibility
- Poem: "Untitled" by Zanne Redmond
- Review: "Pan's Labyrinth" by Blue Ice-Tea
AVENues Issue #14 - June 21, 2008
- Art: "La Plata Canyon" by Goonie
- Art: "Red Columbine" by Eliot
- Art: "The Watcher" by Penumbra
- Article: "Labeling: Descriptive vs. Prescriptive"
- From the Forum: the upswing, Latin America, and a relationship
- Poem: "Aye, A Drink" by Midwoka
- Poem: "Literature Litter" by Goonie
- Poem: "Quietus Est" by Eliot
- Short Story: "A Chemist Shamed" by Rix
- Short Story: "Voice" by IAmAFishFlopFlopFlop
AVENues Issue #13 - April 26, 2008
- Article: "Asexuality Among Sexualities" by Mandrewliter
- Article: "Sex-_____: A Plea for Strategic Apathy" by Birdnerd
- Article: "Why I'm a Sex-Positive Asexual" by Vittoria
- Featured AVENite: "Xaida"
- From the Forum: mixed relationships, deafness, and queer unity
- Inside AVEN: Purple Bananas
- Photos: Kansas City meetup
- Poem: "Untitled" by Zanne Redmond
AVENues Issue #12 - March 1, 2008
- Art by Colt-Kun
- Flash Fiction and Photos: "Life Without" by Pilar
- From the Forum: psychology, differences, and marriage
- Letter Box: Asexual superheroes, thank yous, and the best thing about being asexual
- Poem: "Flight Over the Garden" by Electropanda
- Short Story: "Untitled" by A.C. Hinderleiter
AVENues Issue #11 - January 5, 2008
- Art by Colt-Kun
- Art by Parth
- Article: "Confessions of a Purple Superhero" by Sam B.I.
- Article: "Why I'm Not Single: Deconstructing Facebook" by Birdnerd
- Featured AVENite: "Coleslaw"
- From the Forum: teasing, compatibility, sexual appropriation, and scientific reports
- Letter Box: reasons for reading AVENues, older asexuals, German meetups, and Sailor Moon
- Poem: "Anerotica" by Raisin
AVENues Issue #10 - November 10, 2007
- Art by Colt-Kun
- Art by Fieruta
- Art by Roedeer
- Article: "A Voice from the Celibate Side" by Robyn Y. Demby
- Article: "Boxed, Labelled, and Filed Under 'A'" by Sam B.I.
- Comic: Permanently Grounded
- Featured AVENite: "AntiBubble"
- From the Forum: Asexual spouses, causes, getting along with sexuals, and definitions
- Letter from the Editor: AVENues' target audience
- Recipe: Seriously Banana Bread
- Short Story: "The Matchmaker" by Sarah Totton
AVENues Issue #9 - September 15, 2007
- Art by Jaybird721
- Article: "New Project Team: A New Hope or Same Old?" by Sam B.I.
- Article: "Mix 'n' Match? The ups and downs of a mixed relationship" by Freed_Spirit
- Article: "Study on asexuality creates questions while searching for answers" by T_S
- Casual Crossword
- From the Forum: unconditional love, complexity, and definitions
- Poem: "The Firm" by Desiderio Valacco
AVENues Issue #8 - July 7, 2007
- Article: "All Is Not Well in PTgonia" by Sam B.I.
- Article: "Gray Matters" by Hallucigenia
- Article: "Living Well With Uncertaingy" by Birdnerd
- AVEN Around the World: AVENde
- Casual Crossword
- Featured AVENite: "Spinneret"
- From The Forum: taking back sex, relationships, and committed friendship
- Food For Thought (answers): Being Sure
- Food For Thought (prompt): Best Thing
- Photos: Motzstrassenfest, New Jersey meetup
- Poem: "Prizelight" by Dindrane
- Review: "Lost In Translation" by Blue Ice-Tea
AVENues Issue #7 - May 12, 2007
- Article: "Mix Tape = Love" by Ily
- Article: "Notes from the 18th Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health / 1st World Congress for Sexual Health, Sydney, April 15-19 2007" by echidna
- Article: "Pamphlets: Making the Faceof AVEN" by Stupendous Sam
- Article: "Why didn't I just stay in Narnia? The perils of life outside the closet" by Stupendous Sam
- Casual Crossword
- Featured AVENite: M51
- Food For Thought (answers): Attractiveness
- Food For Thought (prompt): Being Sure
- From the Forum: inspiration, tiramisu, living the dream, and friendship
- Photos: Skydiving, Ohio meetup, pamphlet design
- Poem: "A Minority's Perspective" by jewel_box552
- Recipe: Death by Chocolate Mousse
AVENues Issue #6 - March 17, 2007
- Article: "Asexual Visibility: One Show at a Time" by Stupendous Sam
- Article: "Neither Snails Nor Oysters" by Blue Ice-Tea
- AVEN Around the World: Dutch AVEN
- Casual Crossword
- Featured AVENite: Ghosts
- Food For Thought (answers): Intimacy
- Food For Thought (prompt): Attractiveness
- From the Forum: siblings, fantasies, fulfilment, visibility, and intimacy
- Letter from a Reader: ASEX
- Letter from the Editor: changes to AVENues
- Photos: Pittsburgh meetup, LGBTQ presentation
- Poem: "I Wanna" by Nalle
- Recipe: Stuffed Musrhooms with Spinach
- Review: "Howl's Moving Castle" by Kusan38
AVENues Issue #5 - January 20, 2007
- Article: "Stirring Sexual Coffee: A look at the thermodynamics of innocence" by David Jay
- Featured AVENite: Amcan
- Food For Thought (answers): Community Benefits
- Food For Thought (prompt): Intimacy
- From The Forum: trying cake, categorizing love, and thinking differently about relationships
- Photos: New York City meetup
AVENues Issue #4 - December 23, 2006
- Art by Hallucigenia
- Article: "A Collection of Thoughts" by Eli Christman
- Comic: The Adventures of Ace
- Featured AVENite: Charlie of the Opera
- Food For Thought (answers): Relationships
- Food For Thought (prompt): Community Benefits
- From The Forum: newly celibate relationship, love letter to AVEN, and "missing out"
- Poem: "Untitled" by James McKenzie
AVENues Issue #3 - November 25, 2006
- ANNOUNCEMENT about newsletter@asexuality.org email address
- Art by Kelenys and Spinneret
- Article: "Thoughts when AVEN got TOSed" by Amcan
- Article: "That which does not kill us" by Anthony Lecorchick
- Featured AVENite: Triple A
- Food For Thought (prompt): Relationships
- From The Forum: seeing oneself from sexual angles, community strength on the temporary boards, and the validity of "romantic/aromantic"
- Poem: "Creatures of Broken Pieces" by Crowskin
AVENues Issue #2 - October 28, 2006
- Article: "Traversing the Edge of the Sexual World" by Amanda Rojod
- Featured AVENite: Goonie
- From The Forum: filters, being an older asexual, and defining sexuality
- Humor: "Asexy Dance Moves" by Julie
- Poem: "Expectations" by Charliepyro
- Letter to the Editor: Upcoming Meetings
- Photos: Pittsburgh meetup
AVENues Issue #1 - September 27, 2006
- Article: "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Asexual?" by David Jay
- Featured AVENite: AVENguy
- From The Forum: crushes, liberation, and elitism
- Photos: New York City meetup
- Poem: "Cryptosexual" by Hu